You are working out and eating well, but what are you doing to look after your mind?

You are working out and eating well, but what are you doing to look after your mind?

Words by Kayane Watson

You are expecting to have another very busy day at work. Your boss is a very demanding individual that you find very intimidating. As soon as you walk in, you realise he is already at his desk typing away busily. You immediately feel the pressure to sign on and start replying to many emails you receive to show how busy and hardworking you are – even though you were already sending emails on your way into work as well as until late the night before! You send across the recent report you prepared which you believe needed more work to be done but your boss gave you only 1 afternoon to work on. Everything is important; everything is urgent; keep jumping from 1 burning fire to the next one and try not to get burnt yourself. You don’t feel good enough regardless of whatever you do. You eventually start feeling the anxiety build up inside you and it’s not even 10AM yet!


Does some of this sound familiar to you?


Anxiety and stress are like the buzzwords we see and hear everywhere. It’s quite possible that you felt anxious or stressed at least once in the past week. But how about those that feel these more often, more strongly, and who are genuinely struggling and don’t know how to change it? These people were not born this way; they developed these thinking patterns as they continued to deal with stress and anxiety in the best way they knew.


Most people are living their lives trying their best to be the happiest, resilient people, and yet, they have never learned HOW to do that. As a Thrive Programme coach, this is exactly what I teach to my clients.


There is a ton of information on the benefits of regular exercise and how developing healthy eating habits will contribute to a longer and healthier life. But you are not just what you eat and how you exercise; you are also what you think.


Consider this comparison: walking into office on busy day (the scenario described above) versus the first day of your holiday on a sunny beach. What kind of thoughts are going through your head in each of these situations? 

Your thoughts and feelings are quite different in these 2 scenarios; but you are the same you. Unfortunately, you can’t always be on a sunny beach to feel happy and shining. But you can be in control of your thoughts and feelings and how you are responding to the environment you are in.


You have the power to choose how you think and respond. Unfortunately, this is not a lesson that gets taught in schools. 


But the good news is anyone, at any age, from any background, at any point in their life can learn how to manage their thoughts, beliefs and emotions in just 6 weeks! Without the education and knowledge, how else would you know?


As a Thrive Programme Coach it is my responsibility to teach my clients the knowledge they need as well as keeping them motivated to stay on track with developing a new thriving skillset; I hold them responsible for their effort until they start to do this themselves and take enormous pride in it. A large portion of clients will report a major change in themselves in just after 2 weeks.


Here are a few examples of what my clients achieve going through The Thrive Programme with me:

  • Understanding that they are in control of how they perceive reality based on their current thoughts and beliefs and how they are responding in the moment. (Our earlier scenario)

  • They develop an understanding that you experience the thoughts and feelings you create in reaction to the facts set out in front of you.

  • Self-awareness of how emotional and physical symptoms get created and maintained. Many people will have the belief that life and emotions happen to them. This couldn’t have been more wrong!

  • Self-regulation/self-control where your mood does not change based on external events, other people’s words, or behaviour. When people have stable self-esteem and social confidence, they are better equipped at handling external events previously would have deemed embarrassing, uncomfortable, humiliating or simply disturbing.

  • Developing strong coping skills. Many people have no idea how to manage their thoughts and feelings around challenging events. They usually develop unhealthy avoidance techniques for example someone who is afraid of flying will just take a train or drive.

  • They develop control skills and agency in their lives which means they have power over their own lives.

  • They build high self-esteem (helpful beliefs about you) and maintain this for the rest of their lives.

  • They develop the awareness that feelings aren’t facts.

  • They can manage their emotions in an optimal way where emotions can’t overpower intelligence (for example angry outbursts, boasting, etc.)

  • They can appraise facts in a healthy way as well as think critically about events and situations. 

  • Many people believe some things can’t be changed and they feel powerless about it. However, my clients develop a powerful growth mindset.

  • They build robust self-confidence and self-efficacy.

  • Develop high social confidence which is feeling powerful in social situations. They enjoy attending meetings, big events or family gatherings and feel confident in themselves.

  • They become equipped with the psychological tools to become better, happier, and more resourceful.

Lastly, they don’t just get resilient in life; they learn how to THRIVE in life.


The Thrive Programme will be the best investment you make in yourself as you will observe that every area of your life will improve as you change the way you fundamentally look at things. One quick example is problems or errors will not be things that you feel bad about. You will embrace them as these are excellent opportunities for you to grow.


And lastly, this belief will not simply be an intellectual one that you understand linguistically. You will start living your life based on it!

I offer a 1-hour free discovery consultation so why not join me for a chat and learn about how I can help you live better? Follow the Calendly link and book your slot now. Your future self will thank you.


Link to book free sessions:

Follow Kayane on Instagram for tips how to THIRVE in life. 

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