Understanding what is required to attain healthy skin might seem daunting - with the plethora of skincare products advertised on the daily and with so much skincare-related advice being thrown around on social media, it’s hard to know what truly works and what does not. However, there are some basic principles that are easily incorporated into your daily lifestyle and make an enormous difference.
We collected some basic tips and compiled a list for you here:
Always wear sunscreen
Daily UV exposure can be the cause of premature skin ageing and pose risks for cancer. In order to avoid this potential issue, opt for a natural sunscreen and learn to apply it every day, even on days that do not seem sunny enough!
We recommend UpCircle Mineral Sunscreen SPF 25
Exfoliate a few times a week
Exfoliate your face and clean away dead skin cells with an exfoliant that will not dry up your skin but make it look all the more radiant.
The UpCircle Natural Face Scrub is a natural, vegan face exfoliator for dry, dehydrated skin with roseship, sweet orange and lemon verbena essential oil.
Orange oil acts as both an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Perfect for soothing redness and irritation, whilst uplifting lemon verbena helps to tone the skin. With strong antiseptic properties, our natural face exfoliator can also help treat acne and spots for a clear complexion.
Find the best cleanser for you
Look for an organic cleanser that calms and moisturises your skin, but will not cause any inflammations brought about by harsh chemicals.
We love MALINNA Skin Serum Rose, an intensive nourishing and cleansing serum designated for deep nourishment and cleansing of both healthy and problematic complexion with coconut oil, argan oil together with many essential oils. The serum facilitates removal of damaged skin layers and nourishes and boosts healthy cells. The essential oil from rosewood is known to be beneficial to the skin microbiome, prevents formation of wrinkles and revitalizes your complexion. It is widely used in aromatherapy as it has anti-stress and calming effects.
Create your own home-made mask
Creating your own mask is not only a great way to pamper yourself, but it is also guaranteed that healthy, organic ingredients are used when you are the one to choose them! Here are three of our favourites:
For rejuvenated skin:
Milk Mask - Mix 1/4 of a cup of powdered milk with water to create a thick paste and then apply it all over your face. Let it dry entirely before rinsing it off with warm water.
For soft skin:
Banana Mask - Mash a ripe banana to create a smooth paste, and then apply it to your face and neck. Leave it on for around 15 minutes, and then use cold water to remove it. You can also add 1/4 of a cup of plain yogurt and 2 tablespoons of honey to manage acne.
For clean skin and tight pores:
Mix a teaspoon of plain yogurt and squeeze out juice from 1/4 slice of an orange, some of the orange pulp, and 1 teaspoon aloe. Rinse off the mask after 5-10 minutes.
Alternatively, you can opt for UpCirlce Face Mask with Kaolin Clay, an award-winning gently-detoxifying clay face mask to fight blackheads, minimise pores and prevent breakouts. Skin is left feeling cleansed, refreshed and balanced.
Refrain from touching your face
This one tip was one we all heard in our early scholastic days, but despite its popularity, it still often is forgotten. Touching your face can lead to more wrinkles, breakouts and illnesses through the spread of bacteria.
Remember to drink around eight glasses of water a day to healthily hydrate your skin, and apply products that help with hydration.
Our MALINNA Skin Toner is ideal to apply after shower before using MALINNA intensive creams, made of organic oils, essentials oils and natural sea salt. The skin feels instantly fresher and the antioxidants keep the skin stronger and protect from outside negative influences. Helps with healing skin tissue, acne and other skin inflammation.
After applying MALINNA Skin Toner, continue with MALINA Immortelle Anti-Aging Cream; an intensive cream based on organic shea butter, organic oils, essential oils and sea salt. It absorbs perfectly and leaves the skin soft and smooth. It has strong antioxidant effect perfect to use as a part of your morning or evening beauty routine.
Eat healthy
Your diet has a powerful effect on your skin. Try to refrain from eating processed foods to avoid acne, and instead opt for fish which contains omega-3 fatty acids. It also helps to replace refined carbs and sugars with optimal carbs including vegetables and fruits with anti-oxidants for less wrinkles. The key is balance.
Limit your makeup usage
A full face of makeup can block your pores and lead to acne breakouts and irritation - one of the healthiest things you can do for your skin is embrace the natural look more often, or use more natural make-up range like Ere Perez! You are beautiful the way are!
Explore our range of organic skincare products and oils to keep your face healthy, hydrated and glowing.